i took this trip on April,2015 it was one of most beautiful experiences i went through, getting away from any technology specially cell towers signal is something everyone should do to appreciate the nature and the peace within.
please check out the full 360 Virtual tour on my round.me account
I will start with the beautiful milkyway sadly it was very cloudy during the trip so we could only see the nightsky clearly on one night of the three we spent camping and hiking around sinai
but when the sky cleared up .. it was well worth the wait !!

clear night sky @ Barakat Camp site - next to "sarabeet" mountain
and some crazy 360 projections because .. why not !

Camp site - wady baa'baa' - a floodplain for rain torrents - ironically it rained when we were there .. and that NEVER happens during that time of the year !

The Lonely Tree - far and below

wady el Nakheel - "Palms Valley" - that's where we began our trip - last Cell signal

wady Baa'Baa' hike

Wady Baa'Baa' hike

wady baa'baa' Camp - 7 Km hike into the valley

Fancy breakfast at sunrise - wady baa'baa'

wady el seeh - ancient travelers' pathway dates to 200 BC

wady el seeh - ancient travelers' pathway dates to 200 BC

ancient nabatean script writings which is the mother of modern Arabic script

and then some more crazy Projections !